Schedule Facebook Status Updates With Sendible
Do you like to keep your Facebook profile active, but you’re coming down with a cold and may be offline for a few days? Maybe you’re taking a trip and won’t be anywhere near a computer for a week. Or maybe you’ll be playing hooky from work and traveling, but you want your colleagues and boss to think you’re stuck at home sick. Accomplish any of these wishes by using Sendible to schedule your Facebook status updates. This is an application Daniel covered earlier, so check out his article for more details.
But for Facebook specifically, once you sign up with Sendible, just click on Facebook and provide your Facebook login details. Sendible connects directly with your Facebook account. The, under “New Messages” click on “Status Updates“.
On the next page you can schedule out as many updates as you’d like! This service is awesome – and you can distribute scheduled updates to a number of social networks including MySpace, Blogger, Twitter and more.
Upside Down Status Updates
If you’ve been on Facebook long enough, you’ve probably noticed a few people posting upside down status updates. They sure do think they’re clever don’t they?! Yes, you too can be the envy of all of your friends and family by posting your updates so that people have to look silly by tilting their heads upside down so they can read it.
Most of the people you’ve seen doing this have likely installed a Facebook app just to do so. However, I dislike installing apps because you always have to provide permissions to those applications to access your profile. A better approach is to use the free online application atFlipText to generate your upside down status update.
Simply copy the upside down text from the lower text box, paste it into your Facebook status box and post!
Not all of your business contacts are on Facebook, so when you need to contact someone on the outside, intrasite messaging just won't work. Enter Email, an app that lets you send email to anyone directly from within Facebook. Emails appear to be sent from your real email address, and if the recipient uses the provided web form link to reply, the replies are kept threaded in the app, which looks and feels basically like the default Facebook messaging app.
Zoho - Online Office
The Zoho app loads your Zoho documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases into Facebook. It can map to a current Zoho account and migrate your docs over, or you can create a new user. There are still a few bugs, and it isn't as fully integrated into Facebook as it probably could be, but even so, a full office suite that you don't need to leave Facebook to use is great.
Docs is a document sharing application from Scribd that already has over 50,000 uploaded documents. They tout it as a way to share "problems sets, poetry, lecture notes, and random funny stuff." However, despite their warnings, I can't help but think that some unscrupulous college students see Docs as a good way to plagiarize papers.
BillMonk is a great app that lets you track who owes you money and how much money you owe others. BillMonk is an infinitely useful application for anyone who has to deal with roommates and it follows the Facebook design conventions nicely.
WalkieTalkie adds free group chat to Facebook groups. Sometimes you just need to say it out loud, so WalkieTalkie can be a valuable tool for businesses that want to use Facebook as groupware.
Application Developer Services
Since you're reading Read/WriteWeb, there is a good chance that you're an app developer yourself. If you're looking to break into the Facebook app market, but don't really know where to start, then install the Application Developer Services app. It's sort of a marketplace for Facebook developers. App developers get a profile where they can show off their portfolio of Facebook apps, and businesses can search for the perfect developer for their application.
Lending Club
Well, now you have your programmer, but you need the cash to make your app a reality. Lending Club is a peer lending application that lets users take out loans funded by other users. Lending club opened on Facebook on May 24th, and has already lent out over $250,000 to Facebook users.
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