
Monday, January 17, 2011

Hacking Window XP Admin Password

This is an alternate way to (Enter in Admin) Without using any soft ^_^
k Here We go 

Faq ( In your PC when u install XP while creating the User account @ installation time the OS Auto Create an another user called Administrator (Many of user don't know about this user)
Now how to enter ?

1. When you see this @ Login Screen that its asking u for Password to enter in Admin Mode.

2.Press "Alt+CTRL+ (Delete Two time)
you will see a Box Just in the space of ID Enter (Administrator) And hit Enter.
And you will enter in the PC 

3.Click Start>Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management (Double click it)

4.Click Local user And Group => and then click on "users" there you will see all the Accounts which are in that PC
Right Click On the Admin user Name (Like my admin name is "Aura") And select Set password=>Procceed=>OK=>
To Remove Password leave it Blank and click ok) Or u can add another other password 

Now click on Start=>Log off=>Click the Admin user=> And Bang you will enter in that Account 



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